We take care of our patients throughout the entire wisdom tooth extraction process: Pre-treatment, day of your procedure & post-treatment care.
When you book an appointment with regards to your wisdom teeth, we'll take x-rays and discuss your case, and provide you with treatment options that are best suited for you!
On the day of your extraction, we make you feel at ease and relaxed by properly preparing you for the procedure and answering any questions you may need reassurance for.
After a successful extraction, we'll assist you with best practices, a pain management plan while you recover, and all the support you need.
Tooth extractions may seem intimidating to some patients, but they are very common and usually a routine procedure. There's nothing to fear, our team will make you feel comfortable throughout each and every stage of the entire process.
We can assist with fully impacted and partially impacted teeth. Impacted teeth are teeth that haven't broken through the gums and reside completely below the gum line.
Partially impacted teeth have a portion of the tooth that is erupted/exposed to the oral cavity. The rest of the tooth sits below the gum line and won't fully erupt into place. This senerio is very common and the patient will experience pain and discomfort when an infection develops due to trapped bacteria.
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